This expresses Elijah Anderson's (author of 'Streetwise: Race, Class and Change in an Urban Community (1990)), where he explores the dynamics of social interaction between police as agents and symbols of mainstream communal efforts to regulate the behavior and social place of black men, and black men in a local community. This give rise to a familiar saying in many black comunities, where black women "love their sons and raise their daughters." According to Michael Eric Dyson, this is a "flawed, attempt to get beyond a theoretical framework that implicitly blames black women for the condition of black men"; whereas James Baldwin, in his last published work, declared it "a disease peculiar to the black community called 'sorriness', where 'Mama," he writes, 'lays this burden on Sister from whom she expects (or indicates she expects) far more than she expects from Brother (who) may never grow up..."
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